Source code for pytest_splunk_addon_ui_smartx.plugin

# Copyright 2023 Splunk Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import os
import traceback
from collections import namedtuple

import pytest

from .base_test import RestHelper, SeleniumHelper

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("pytest-ucc-smartx")
PNG_PATH = "assets"

[docs]def pytest_configure(config): """ Setup configuration after command-line options are parsed """ config.addinivalue_line("markers", "ucc: UCC Tests") pytest_html = config.pluginmanager.getplugin("html") if pytest_html: try: os.mkdir(PNG_PATH) except OSError: pass
[docs]def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config, items): """ Add browser name as prefix in test class name """ browser = config.getoption("--browser") if browser: if len(browser.split(":")) == 2: browser, _ = browser.split(":") for item in items: class_name = item.nodeid.split("::")[-2] item._nodeid = item.nodeid.replace( class_name, "{}_{}".format(browser, class_name) )
[docs]def pytest_addoption(parser): """ Register argparse-style options and ini-style config values, called once at the beginning of a test run. """ parser.conflict_handler = "resolve" group = parser.getgroup("splunk-ucc-smartx") group.addoption( "--browser", action="store", help=( "The browser on which the test should run. supported_values: (firefox, chrome, edge, safari)." " You can also provide browser version if the tests are running on Saucelabs. " "ex, <browser>:<version>. default version is latest." ), ) group.addoption( "--local", action="store_true", help="The test will be run on local browsers" ) group.addoption( "--persist-browser", action="store_true", help=( "For local execution, keep a single browser to executed all tests." " (Only supported with --local)" ), ) group.addoption( "--setup-retry-count", action="store_true", default="3", help="The number of times the browser should try to connect to the SeleniumBrowser", ) group.addoption( "--headless", action="store_true", help="Run the test case on headless mode" )
SmartConfigs = namedtuple( "SmartConfigs", ["driver", "driver_version", "local_run", "retry_count", "headless_run"], )
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope="session") def ucc_smartx_configs(request): """ Configure pytest parameters, if provided """ if not request.config.getoption("--browser"): raise ValueError( "--browser parameter was not provided while running the test cases." ) driver = request.config.getoption("--browser") LOGGER.debug("--browser={}".format(driver)) if len(driver.split(":")) == 2: driver, driver_version = driver.split(":") else: driver_version = "latest" if request.config.getoption("--local"): local_run = True LOGGER.debug("--debug") else: local_run = False if request.config.getoption("--setup-retry-count"): retry_count = int(request.config.getoption("--setup-retry-count")) LOGGER.debug("--setup-retry-count={}".format(retry_count)) else: retry_count = 3 if request.config.getoption("--headless"): headless_run = True LOGGER.debug("--headless") else: headless_run = False "Calling SeleniumHelper with:: browser={driver}, debug={local_run}, headless={headless_run})".format( driver=driver, local_run=local_run, headless_run=headless_run ) ) smartx_configs = SmartConfigs( driver=driver, driver_version=driver_version, local_run=local_run, retry_count=retry_count, headless_run=headless_run, ) return smartx_configs
[docs]def get_browser_scope(fixture_name, config): """ Set the scope of the browser dynamically. """ if config.getoption("--local") and config.getoption("--persist-browser"): return "session" else: return "function"
@pytest.fixture(scope=get_browser_scope) def ucc_smartx_selenium_helper( request, ucc_smartx_configs, splunk, splunk_web_uri, splunk_rest_uri ): # Try to configure selenium & Login to splunk instance test_case = "{}_{}".format( ucc_smartx_configs.driver, request.node.nodeid.split("::")[-1] ) for try_number in range(ucc_smartx_configs.retry_count): last_exc = Exception() try: selenium_helper = SeleniumHelper( ucc_smartx_configs.driver, ucc_smartx_configs.driver_version, splunk_web_uri, splunk_rest_uri, debug=ucc_smartx_configs.local_run, cred=(splunk["username"], splunk["password"]), headless=ucc_smartx_configs.headless_run, test_case=test_case, ) break except Exception as e: last_exc = e LOGGER.warning( "Failed to configure the browser or login to Splunk instance for - Try={} \nTRACEBACK::{}".format( try_number, traceback.format_exc() ) ) else: LOGGER.error( "Could not connect to Browser or login to Splunk instance. Please check the logs for detailed error of each retry" ) raise (last_exc) yield selenium_helper"Quiting browser..") selenium_helper.browser.quit() if not ucc_smartx_configs.local_run: LOGGER.debug("Notifying the status of the testcase to SauceLabs...") try: if hasattr(request.node, "report"): selenium_helper.update_saucelab_job( else: "Could not notify to sauce labs because scope of fixture is not set to function" ) except: LOGGER.warning( "Could not notify to Saucelabs \nTRACEBACK::{}".format( traceback.format_exc() ) ) @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def ucc_smartx_rest_helper(ucc_smartx_configs, splunk, splunk_rest_uri): # Try to configure rest endpoint splunk_rest_session, splunk_rest_uri = splunk_rest_uri for try_number in range(ucc_smartx_configs.retry_count): last_exc = Exception() try: rest_helper = RestHelper( splunk_rest_uri, splunk["username"], splunk["password"] ) break except Exception as e: last_exc = e LOGGER.warning( "Failed to configure rest endpint for Splunk instance - Try={} \nTRACEBACK::{}".format( try_number, traceback.format_exc() ) ) else: LOGGER.error( "Could not connect to Splunk instance. Please check the logs for detailed error of each retry" ) raise (last_exc) return rest_helper
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True) def ucc_smartx_selenium_wrapper(request): """ Calls ucc_smartx_selenium_helper fixture """ if "ucc_smartx_selenium_helper" in request.fixturenames: request.node.selenium_helper = request.getfixturevalue( "ucc_smartx_selenium_helper" )
[docs]@pytest.mark.hookwrapper def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call): """ pytest_runtest_makereport will be called after each test case is executed. Capture a screenshot if the test case is failed. item.selenium_helper has been added by the fixture "test_helper". The scope of the fixture must be function. :param item: the method of the test case. """ LOGGER.debug("pytest_runtest_makereport: Start making report") try: pytest_html = item.config.pluginmanager.getplugin("html") if pytest_html: outcome = yield report = outcome.get_result() if report.when == "call" or report.when == "setup": setattr(item, "report", report) if report.failed: try: if report.when == "setup": # Possible - Login failed # the item will not have selenium_helper screenshot_path = os.path.join(PNG_PATH, "login_error.png") else: # Test Failed screenshot_path = os.path.join( PNG_PATH, item.nodeid.split("::")[-1] + ".png" ) item.selenium_helper.browser.save_screenshot( screenshot_path ) report.extra = [pytest_html.extras.image(screenshot_path)] except: LOGGER.warning( "Screenshot can not be captured. Scope of the fixture test_helper must be 'function' to capture the screenshot. " ) else: LOGGER.warning( "pytest-html is not installed. Install by using: pip install pytest-html" ) except Exception as e: LOGGER.warning( "Got exception while making test report. Exception {}".format(e) ) LOGGER.debug("test_report, Exception: {}".format(traceback.format_exc()))