How to use

Steps to test in Local Environment

1. Install the framework

The Framework could be cloned from here: SmartX Repo

1. git clone
2. python3 -m venv .venv
3. source .venv/bin/activate
4. cd addon-factory-smartx-ui-test-library
5. pip install .

2. Download Browser Drivers

Download the drivers for the browser you want to test

2A. For Internet Explorer:

For Internet Explorer, the following steps need to be performed for it to work correctly: IEDriver required configuration steps

3. Put the downloaded driver into test/ui/ directory

Make sure that the drivers are in at least an area that could be found

4. include the driver location in your PATH environment variable

This needs to be done so that pytest can find the drivers.

5. Execute the test cases

You can execute the test cases with the following console command:

pytest -vv --browser={browser} --local --persist-browser --splunk-host={web_url} --splunk-port={mgmt_url} --splunk-user {username} --splunk-password {password} --html {reportname.html} --setup-retry-count={retry-count} --headless --splunk-type=external
The parameters are as follows:
  • –browser: The browser in which the test will run on. The supported values are: chrome, firefox, safari (Default: firefox)

  • –local: The test will be run on the local browsers, used during development and testing phase (Default: False)

  • –persist-browser: For local execution, keep a single browser to execute all tests. (Only supported with –local)

  • –splunk-host: The Splunk web url

  • –splunk-port: Splunk management port (Default: 8089)

  • –splunk-user: Splunk instance username (Default: admin)

  • –splunk-password: Splunk instance account password (Default: Chang3d!)

  • –html: The output html file for debugging purposes

  • –setup-retry-count: The number of times the browser should try to connect to the SeleniumBrowser (Default: 1)

  • –headless: Run the test case on headless mode

  • –splunk-type=external

Steps to test in Saucelabs

Saucelabs is a cloud service that allows engineers/systems to provision any platform + browser combination to run some tests. The Saucelab app can be found here:

1. Install the framework

The Framework could be cloned from here: SmartX Repo

2. Configure Saucelabs credentials as environment variables
  • SAUCE_USERNAME : <saucelabs_username>

  • SAUCE_PASSWORD : <saucelabs_access_key>

3. Execute the test cases

pytest -vv --browser={browser} --splunk-host={web_url} --splunk-port={mgmt_url} --splunk-user {username} --splunk-password {password} --local

General workflow for writing test cases using the Framework

  1. Clone and install the framework inside test/ui

  2. Create Add-on specific Page classes (we only need to specify which components it contains)

  3. Implement the test-cases by using the pages & its components