Source code for pytest_splunk_addon_ui_smartx.components.table

# Copyright 2023 Splunk Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import copy
import re
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common import exceptions
from import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys

from .base_component import BaseComponent, Selector
from .dropdown import Dropdown

[docs]class Table(BaseComponent): """ Component: Table Base class of Input & Configuration table """ def __init__(self, browser, container, mapping=dict(), wait_for_seconds=10): """ :param browser: The selenium webdriver :param container: Container in which the table is located. Of type dictionary: {"by":..., "select":...} :param mapping= If the table headers are different from it's html-label, provide the mapping as dictionary. For ex, {"Status": "disabled"} """ super().__init__(browser, container) self.header_mapping = mapping self.browser = browser self.elements.update( { "rows": Selector( + ' tbody[data-test="body"] tr[data-test="row"]' ), "header": Selector( + ' th[data-test="head-cell"]' ), "app_listings": Selector( + ' tbody[data-test="body"]' ), "action_values": Selector( + ' [data-test="toggle"]' ), "col": Selector( + ' [data-test="cell"][data-column="{column}"]' ), "col-number": Selector( + " td:nth-child({col_number})" ), "edit": Selector(select=".editBtn"), "clone": Selector(select=".cloneBtn"), "delete": Selector(select=".deleteBtn"), "delete_prompt": Selector(select=".deletePrompt"), # [data-test="body"] "delete_btn": Selector(select='[data-test="button"][label="Delete"]'), "delete_cancel": Selector( select='[data-test="button"][label="Cancel"]' ), "delete_close": Selector(select='[data-test="close"]'), "delete_loading": Selector(select='button[data-test="wait-spinner"]'), "waitspinner": Selector( + ' [data-test="wait-spinner"]' ), "count": Selector( + " .inputNumber"), "filter": Selector( + ' [data-test="textbox"]'), "filter_clear": Selector( + ' [data-test="clear"]' ), "more_info": Selector( + ' [data-test="expand"]' ), "more_info_row": Selector( + ' [data-expansion-row="true"]' ), "more_info_key": Selector(select='[data-test="term"]'), "more_info_value": Selector(select='[data-test="description"]'), "switch_to_page": Selector( + " button[data-test-page]" ), "alert_sign": Selector( + ' [data-test="alert-icon"]' ), "status_cell": Selector(select='[data-test="status"]'), } ) self.wait_for_seconds = wait_for_seconds
[docs] def get_count_title(self): """ Get the count mentioned in the table title :return: Str The count of the table title """ return self.get_clear_text(self.count)
[docs] def get_row_count(self): """ Count the number of rows in the page. :return: Int The count of the table rows """ return len(list(self._get_rows()))
[docs] def get_headers(self): """ Get list of headers from the table :return: Generator for Str list The headers in the table """ headers = [] GET_PARENT_ELEMENT = ( "var parent = arguments[0].firstChild.firstChild;if(parent.hasChildNodes()){var r='';var C=parent.childNodes;" "for(var n=0;n<C.length;n++){if(C[n].nodeType==Node.TEXT_NODE){r+=' '+C[n].nodeValue}}" "return r.trim()}else{return parent.innerText}" ) for each in self.get_elements("header"): parent_text = self.browser.execute_script(GET_PARENT_ELEMENT, each) headers.append(parent_text) return headers
[docs] def get_sort_order(self): """ Get the column-header which is sorted rn. Warning: It depends on the class of the headers and due to it, the returned result might give wrong answer. :returns: a dictionary with the "header" & "ascending" order """ for each_header in self.get_elements("header"): if each_header.get_attribute("data-test-sort-dir") == "asc": return {"header": self.get_clear_text(each_header), "ascending": True} elif each_header.get_attribute("data-test-sort-dir") == "desc": return {"header": self.get_clear_text(each_header), "ascending": False}
[docs] def sort_column(self, column, ascending=True): """ Sort a column in ascending or descending order :param column: The header of the column which should be sorted :param ascending: True if the column should be sorted in ascending order, False otherwise """ for each_header in self.get_elements("header"): if self.get_clear_text(each_header).lower() == column.lower(): if ( "asc" in each_header.get_attribute("data-test-sort-dir") and ascending ): # If the column is already in ascending order, do nothing return elif ( "asc" in each_header.get_attribute("data-test-sort-dir") and not ascending ): # If the column is in ascending order order and we want to have descending order, click on the column-header once self._wait_for_loadspinner() return elif ( "desc" in each_header.get_attribute("data-test-sort-dir") and not ascending ): # If the column is already in descending order, do nothing return elif ( "desc" in each_header.get_attribute("data-test-sort-dir") and ascending ): # If the column is in descending order order and we want to have ascending order, click on the column-header once self._wait_for_loadspinner() return else: # The column was not sorted before if ascending: # Click to sort ascending order self._wait_for_loadspinner() return else: # Click 2 times to sort in descending order # Ascending self._wait_for_loadspinner() # Decending # The existing element changes (class will be changed), hence, it can not be referenced again. # So we need to get the headers again and do the same process. self.sort_column(column, ascending=False) return
def _wait_for_loadspinner(self): """ There exist a loadspinner when sorting/filter has been applied. This method will wait until the spinner is dissapeared """ try: self.wait_for("waitspinner", timeout=5) self.wait_until("waitspinner") except: print("Waitspinner did not appear")
[docs] def wait_for_rows_to_appear(self, row_count=1): """ Wait for the table to load row_count rows :param row_count: number of row_count to wait for. """ def _wait_for_rows_to_appear(driver): return self.get_row_count() >= row_count self.wait_for( _wait_for_rows_to_appear, msg="Expected rows : {} to be greater or equal to {}".format( row_count, self.get_row_count() ), )
[docs] def wait_for_column_to_appear(self, column_name): """ Wait for the table to load the column with the given column name. :param column_name: Name of the column to wait for. """ def _wait_for_column_to_appear(driver): return column_name in self.get_headers() self.wait_for( _wait_for_column_to_appear, msg="Column {} not found in the table".format(column_name), )
[docs] def get_table(self): """ Get whole table in dictionary form. The row_name will will be the key and all header:values will be it's value. {row_1 : {header_1: value_1, . . .}, . . .} :return: dict The data within the table """ table = dict() headers = list(self.get_headers()) for each_row in self._get_rows(): row_name = self._get_column_value(each_row, "name") table[row_name] = dict() for each_col in headers: each_col = each_col.lower() if each_col == "actions": table[row_name][each_col] = "" if self.edit != None: table[row_name][each_col] = "Edit" if self.clone != None: table[row_name][each_col] += " | Clone" if self.delete != None: table[row_name][each_col] += " | Delete" continue if each_col == "status": table[row_name][each_col] = each_row.find_element_by_css_selector( '[data-test="status"]' ).text continue if each_col: table[row_name][each_col] = self._get_column_value( each_row, each_col ) return table
[docs] def get_cell_value(self, name, column): """ Get a specific cell value. :param name: row_name of the table :param column: column header of the table :return: str The value within the cell that we are looking for """ _row = self._get_row(name) if column.lower() == "status": return _row.find_element_by_css_selector('[data-test="status"]').text return self._get_column_value(_row, column)
[docs] def get_column_values(self, column): """ Get list of values of column :param column: column header of the table :return: List The values within the certain column """ value_list = [] for each_row in self._get_rows(): value_list.append(self._get_column_value(each_row, column)) return value_list
[docs] def get_list_of_actions(self, name): """ Get list of possible actions for a specific row :param name: The name of the row :return: Generator List The list of actions available within a certain row of the table """ value_list = [] _row = self._get_row(name) if _row.find_element(*list(self.elements["edit"]._asdict().values())) != None: value_list.append("Edit") if _row.find_element(*list(self.elements["clone"]._asdict().values())) != None: value_list.append("Clone") if _row.find_element(*list(self.elements["delete"]._asdict().values())) != None: value_list.append("Delete") return value_list
[docs] def edit_row(self, name): """ Edit the specified row. It will open the edit form(entity). The opened entity should be interacted with instance of entity-class only. :param name: row_name of the table """ _row = self._get_row(name) _row.find_element(*list(self.elements["edit"]._asdict().values())).click()
[docs] def clone_row(self, name): """ Clone the specified row. It will open the edit form(entity). The opened entity should be interacted with instance of entity-class only. :param name: row_name of the table """ _row = self._get_row(name) _row.find_element(*list(self.elements["clone"]._asdict().values())).click()
[docs] def delete_row(self, name, cancel=False, close=False, prompt_msg=False): """ Delete the specified row. Clicking on delete will open a pop-up. Delete the row if neither of (cancel, close) specified. :param name: row_name of the table :param cancel: if provided, after the popup is opened, click on cancel button and Do Not delete the row :param close: if provided, after the popup is opened, click on close button and Do Not delete the row :return: Bool Returns true if successful or returns the string of the delete prompt if looking for prompt message """ # Click on action with self.wait_stale(): _row = self._get_row(name) _row.find_element(*list(self.elements["delete"]._asdict().values())).click() self.wait_for("delete_prompt") if cancel: self.wait_until("delete_cancel") return True elif close: self.wait_until("delete_close") return True elif prompt_msg: self.wait_for_text("delete_prompt") return self.get_clear_text(self.delete_prompt) else: self.wait_until("waitspinner")
[docs] def set_filter(self, filter_query): """ Provide a string in table filter. :param filter_query: query of the filter :returns: resultant list of filtered row_names """ with self.wait_stale(): self.filter.clear() self.filter.send_keys(filter_query) self._wait_for_loadspinner() return self.get_column_values("name")
@contextmanager def wait_stale(self): rows = list(self._get_rows()) col = copy.deepcopy(self.elements["col"]) col = col._replace("name")) col_element = self._get_element(, yield if len(rows) > 0 and self.wait_to_be_stale(rows[0]): self.wait_to_be_stale(col_element)
[docs] def clean_filter(self): """ Clean the filter textbox """ self.filter.clear() self._wait_for_loadspinner()
def _get_column_value(self, row, column): """ Get the column from a specific row provided. :param row: the webElement of the row :param column: the header name of the column :return: The list of column values from a specific column and row """ find_by_col_number = False if column.lower().replace(" ", "_") in self.header_mapping: column = self.header_mapping[column.lower().replace(" ", "_")] find_by_col_number = isinstance(column, int) else: column = column.lower().replace(" ", "_") if not find_by_col_number: col = copy.deepcopy(self.elements["col"]) col = col._replace( self.wait_for("app_listings") return self.get_clear_text(row.find_element(*list(col._asdict().values()))) else: # Int value col = copy.deepcopy(self.elements["col-number"]) col = col._replace( self.wait_for("app_listings") return self.get_clear_text(row.find_element(*list(col._asdict().values()))) def _get_rows(self): """ Get list of rows :return: The list of rows within the table """ yield from self.get_elements("rows") def _get_row(self, name): """ Get the specified row. :param name: row name :return: element Gets the row specified within the table, or raises a warning if not found """ for each_row in self._get_rows(): if self._get_column_value(each_row, "name") == name: return each_row else: raise ValueError("{} row not found in table".format(name))
[docs] def get_action_values(self, name): """ Get the specified rows action values :param name: row name :return: List Gets the action values of the row specified within the table """ _row = self._get_row(name) return [ self.get_clear_text(each) for each in self.get_elements("action_values") ]
[docs] def get_count_number(self): """ Returns the count from the title of the table. :return: Int The title count of the table. """ row_count = self.get_count_title() return int("\d+", row_count).group())
[docs] def get_more_info(self, name, cancel=True): """ Returns the text from the more info field within a tables row :param name: Str row name :param cancel: Bool Whether or not to click cancel after getting the info :return: Dict The information found when opening the info table on a row in the table """ _row = self._get_row(name) _row.find_element(*list(self.elements["more_info"]._asdict().values())).click() keys = self.more_info_row.find_elements( *list(self.elements["more_info_key"]._asdict().values()) ) values = self.more_info_row.find_elements( *list(self.elements["more_info_value"]._asdict().values()) ) more_info = { self.get_clear_text(key): self.get_clear_text(value) for key, value in zip(keys, values) } if cancel: _row = self._get_row(name) _row.find_element( *list(self.elements["more_info"]._asdict().values()) ).click() return more_info
[docs] def switch_to_page(self, value): """ Switches the table to specified page :param value: Int The page to switch the table to :return: Bool whether or not switching to the page was successful """ for each in self.get_elements("switch_to_page"): if self.get_clear_text(each).lower() not in [ "prev", "next", ] and self.get_clear_text(each) == str(value): return True else: raise ValueError("{} not found".format(value))
[docs] def switch_to_prev(self): """ Switches the table's page back by 1 :return: Bool whether or not switching to the previous page was successful """ for page_prev in self.get_elements("switch_to_page"): if self.get_clear_text(page_prev).lower() == "prev": return True else: raise ValueError("{} not found".format(page_prev))
[docs] def switch_to_next(self): """ Switches the table's page forward by 1 :return: Bool whether or not switching to the next page was successful """ for page_next in self.get_elements("switch_to_page"): if self.get_clear_text(page_next).lower() == "next": return True else: raise ValueError("{} not found".format(page_next))
[docs] def check_alert_sign(self, row_name, column_name="account"): """ This function check account warning present in the table while account is not configured in input :param row_name: the name of the row :param column_name: the header name of the column """ column_selector = column_name.lower().replace(" ", "_") column_selector = self.header_mapping.get(column_selector, column_name) col = copy.deepcopy(self.elements["alert_sign"]) col = col._replace( _row = self._get_row(row_name) try: _row.find_element(*list(col._asdict().values())) return True except exceptions.NoSuchElementException: return False